Monday, 4 April 2011

Welcome one and all

Hi world

I am nikky an I am the main photographer of westgate photography, there is also the editor of pics an that is my partner, my fiance, my right hand man Ian McCloskey who has his own blog called agent36 on his blog, is his website an his twitter name is @agent36files look him up i promise you wont be sorry that you did.

Like i said i am nikky an i am the main photographer, i love speaking to people all the time so if u follow me on twiter or you see me in the street, im normally the one runing round warwick in a westgate photography tshirt, don't be shy come an say hi.

So why have i started a blog, well i want to let people know about westgate photography an what we do

Have a question or an idea of what you would like us to cover in our next blog feel free to drop us a line or if like me you like the human voice on the phone then please feel free to call 07540 409332

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the world of the blog, hope you enjoy :)
